Pattern Order


You will receive an e-mail confirming your order within 3 business days
If you have not heard from me within

14 days I would suggest you telephone to check the situation

Please fill out this form and click the "Place Order Button " at the end of the form 
to order either of these attractive items

** Denotes a compulsory field
Name: **
House Name/No. **
Road **
Town: **
County - UK Only:
Country - If Not UK:
Postal Code - Insert 'O' for non UK: **
Phone No: **
E-mail Address: **

All prices include postage to a UK address
1,  Cut Away Cat

3. Celtic Cushion

4. Autumn

5. Celtic Circles

6. Celtic Crowns

7. Celtic Miniatures

8. Citrus Circles

9. Golden Butterflies

10. Grandeur

11. Jewel Boxes

12. Mini Roundabouts

13. Oriental Inspiration

14. Pink Parfait

15. Pot of Gold

16.  Roundabouts

17. Zig Zag Charm Quilt

18.  Diagonals

19.  Floaters

20.  Planets


Please enter your Debit/Credit Card Number with spaces the way it appears on 
your card and quote the 
name on the card in the " Special Instructions " box.

 ** Please select one of the following 
MasterCard Visa 

The number you require is the long one across the middle of the card -
please break this down into blocks of 4 digits

1st Block of 4: **    2nd Block **    3rd Block **   4th Block ** 

Expiry Date:  **      Last 3 numbers on Signature Strip (Security Number) **


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updated 14 July 2024
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